Helga’s Journal: Entry 2

(November 2018)

We got through the gate, and everyone started backing away; they all looked pretty beat up, especially Dragon Reinhalt when he came through carrying -A and the Bishop. I knew he was part dragon, I guess I didn't realize how much! Anyway, it was up to me to defend everyone, as usual - but I was pretty off my game - that fuckin Snake Tree really messed me up - plus the demon used some kind of Wizard magic to make a bunch of fake doubles of himself - so I could not land a hit…

I don't mind dying, you understand, but brought down by one mid-level bird demon? That'd just be embarrassing. Luckily Balbito was there to help me out, healing me up and getting rid of the extras for me, plus he and the Bishop gave me a bunch of speed magic to get me back in the swing of things.

When it was dead, I lugged the carcass over to Tober's university where the clerk gave me 750 gold for it, after going on about how common it was. Like, can you imagine anywhere else in the universe where they would pay that much for a dead bird demon? You'd be lucky to get 5 gold from some carnival to stuff it to scare kids with.

After that, we went to see Enial to tell him we'd done the job. He seemed pretty happy- well, for him - although he freaked out about me saying the name of Choro- the Shadow King. How was I supposed to know he could hear it? If gods can hear people talking about them, it's gotta annoy the piss oughta them - I hear people saying Pelor's name all the time, and no-one tells them to shut up. Maybe if they're evil slaver gods or whatever, they don't have so many worshippers, so they take more notice. Or it coulda just been Enial being crazy.

The next day I headed over the the market to buy some stuff, and to see about Jeffrey. Turns out he didn't have any family, so it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. It seems kinda sad, but when you think about it, he's with his god now, and nobody's left behind that'll suffer. At least, I think he's with his god? I'm not really sure what happens to your soul when you die in hell. Maybe I should find out about that.

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