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The Gray Orb

The Gray Orb were the gang ruling the upper slopes of Karal, the first of Torch's three volcanoes. It was uncovered that the Gray Orb had been propped up by the Black Lotus, and had been moving large volumes of slaves and kidnapped sages through their fortified compound at the top of the mountain.

The party managed to defeat them, with the help of 3 rival gangs (the Brotherhood Janko, the Fire Kings, and the Kindred of Yaj), and discovered (mostly) insane victims of graft experiments of the Black Lotus in their dungeons under the Gray Orb manor, including Sigurd and Aurach the Fair as well as the modrons -X, -Y and -Z (13,18,19,20)

the_gray_orb.1544019889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/05 08:24 by helga