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 Bloodwing is the Godfather of all the Baatezu (Devils) in Sigil. ​ [[Martigan]] had made a Pact Insidious with them to serve in the Bloodwar. ​ After he retrieved his sword, Martigan ran away from the camp, and broke the Pact. Bloodwing is the Godfather of all the Baatezu (Devils) in Sigil. ​ [[Martigan]] had made a Pact Insidious with them to serve in the Bloodwar. ​ After he retrieved his sword, Martigan ran away from the camp, and broke the Pact.
-After Martigan returned to Sigil, Bloodwing had assassins hunt him down.  Martigan fled to the Safety of ([[the Great Gymnasium]] while the rest of the Party found a way to break his contract. {[[entry seventeen]])+After Martigan returned to Sigil, Bloodwing had assassins hunt him down.  Martigan fled to the Safety of ([[the Great Gymnasium]] while the rest of the Party found a way to break his contract. {[[entry seventeen#17]])
bloodwing.1550021730.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/02/12 19:35 by helga