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entry_five [2019/02/06 06:05]
entry_five [2019/02/07 21:08] (current)
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-====== 05. Entry Five (Palace of the Titans ​1) ======+====== 05. Entry Five (Mount Orthrys ​1) ======
 (Game Date: May 17th, 2015) (Game Date: May 17th, 2015)
-The Planeswalkers set out from the [[Carceri#​Bastion of Last Hope]], following their magic compass in the direction of Mount Orthrys, the [[Carceri#​Palace of the Titans]], and the portal to Colothys that eventually ​leads back to Sigil.+The Planeswalkers set out from the [[Carceri#​Bastion of Last Hope]], following their magic compass in the direction of [[Carceri#Mount Orthrys]], the [[Carceri#​Palace of the Titans]], and the portal to [[Carceri#Colothys]] that would eventually ​lead back to Sigil.
-As they trekked through the swamp, they stumbled upon an abandoned stilt-house village, and a blind and scarred old man wandering within it. The Planeswalkers made camp in one of the houses, giving the old man food and water. He wove a tale of being kidnapped and tortured by the residents of the village, petitioners of Carceri, until the village was raided by "horned knights" ​who came from fortress at the base of the mountain nearby.+As they trekked through the swamp, they stumbled upon an abandoned stilt-house village, and a blind and scarred old man wandering within it. The Planeswalkers made camp in one of the houses, giving the old man food and water. He wove a tale of being kidnapped and tortured by the residents of the village, petitioners of [[Carceri]], until the village was raided by [[Carceri#​the ​horned knights ​and charlie|Horned Knights]] ​who came from their fortress at the base of the mountain nearby.
 Predictably,​ the old man turned out to be a liar and a traitor, slipping away from the encampment at night to summon monsters and throw them at the party. Following his trail, and being assaulted by summoned fiends all the way, the Planeswalkers eventually found his house hidden in the swamp. After a brief battle with more of his summoned creatures and his Quasit familiar, the Planeswalkers took whatever supplies and riches they could salvage from his home and headed back on the path. Predictably,​ the old man turned out to be a liar and a traitor, slipping away from the encampment at night to summon monsters and throw them at the party. Following his trail, and being assaulted by summoned fiends all the way, the Planeswalkers eventually found his house hidden in the swamp. After a brief battle with more of his summoned creatures and his Quasit familiar, the Planeswalkers took whatever supplies and riches they could salvage from his home and headed back on the path.
entry_five.1549454748.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/02/06 06:05 by helga