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team_pelor [2019/03/23 20:40]
team_pelor [2019/03/23 20:42] (current)
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 This group of adventurers was gathered together by [[Perry]] to carry out missions for the Church of Pelor. ​ Since the [[PCs]] helped the church by destroying the Ship of Chaos ([[entry_twenty_nine#​29]]),​ Perry has agreed to "​lend"​ the team out to them to help them in their fight against the Black Lotus. This group of adventurers was gathered together by [[Perry]] to carry out missions for the Church of Pelor. ​ Since the [[PCs]] helped the church by destroying the Ship of Chaos ([[entry_twenty_nine#​29]]),​ Perry has agreed to "​lend"​ the team out to them to help them in their fight against the Black Lotus.
 +They have completed one mission so far, to learn the location of an agent of the Church of Pelor who was spying on the [[Black Lotus]] in [[Gehenna#​the Teardrop Palace]] in [[Gehenna]] ([[entry thirty#​30]])
 Team Members:\\ Team Members:\\
team_pelor.1553391610.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/03/23 20:40 by helga