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Merribar Ogrim (Treasure Box owner)

Merribar owns and operates the Treasure Box, an upscale toystore located in the Lady's Ward of Sigil. Although some of the items he keeps on shelves are of dubious parental responsibility, he claims that all they are are toys, and if one were to abuse their abilities, what is he, their parent?

Merribar appears to be in his 70s, but his half-human, half-dwarf blood makes it impossible to tell his true age.

Follower Details

Merribar is a contact to the Bishop.

Once per week (?), Merribar will take any handheld, wondrous item and exchange it for an item of equal or lesser value with any unused value lost. No gold or credit allowed.

merribar_ogrim.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/02 21:28 by helga